It is five years since the events of 1999's "The Silver Case," set in the new 25th Ward that arose in the bayside area of Kanto. In a room of the "Bayside Tower Land" apartment complex, a woman is found murdered under mysterious circumstances. This sets off a series of seemingly random events bridging across multiple protagonists including The Silver Case's Tokio Morishima. With all viewpoints assembled, a truly shocking pattern emerges...
Available for the first time outside Japan, The 25th Ward: The Silver Case is presented with completely rebuilt HD assets and additional content not found in the original version.
Key Features:
- A SUDA51 Trip - Set in the "Kill the Past" universe, the series continues its bleak look into a semi-futuristic world on the edge of collapse and the misfits and antiheroes that inhabit it.
- Brave New World - The return of the signature "Film Window" system is brought to The 25th Ward for the first time! New visuals, sounds and controls capture the game in a fresh perspective.
- One Story, Many Sides - Explore this dark take on Tokyo from three different perspectives, "Correctness," "Placebo," and "Matchmaker."